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Families Left Heartbroken as China Ends International Adoptions

China recently ended most international adoptions, leaving hundreds of families devastated as all pending applications are suspended. 

As of Aug. 28, the Chinese government ceased foreign adoptions in order to be “in line” with international trends, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning told Reuters

The ban affects all international adoptions except for cases where parents are adopting their own children or stepchildren from China. The decision has significant implications, particularly on families who have waited years to adopt children from China. 

“We want answers. We wonder what the kids who had pictures of us and videos of us, do they think that, ‘Oh I’ve been abandoned again?’” Laurie Carey from Birmingham, Ala., told NPR

Three years ago, Carey was set to adopt a little boy from China. She would cherish videos of the 3-year-old boy, who…

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