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Empty-Suit Kamala Harris Nukes Her Only Proposal to Lower Prices for Hurting Americans – RedState

With high prices continuing to slam average Americans following three years of explosive inflation under Kamala Harris, the issue has become top of mind for many voters. That’s led both nominees to put forth their proposals to bring relief. 

Donald Trump has promised to lower taxes, increase energy production, and decrease regulations, all moves that would reduce consumer costs. For her part, Harris has lived vicariously through anonymous aides, refusing to explain what her “opportunity economy” actually is (other than spouting meaningless tripe about “equity”) and how it will be accomplished. 

Some of that is purposeful. Harris can’t come out and pledge to fix the issues that caused inflation because that would mean admitting her administration was largely responsible for them. The vice president hasn’t just been second-in-command of the Biden administration, she’s provided the…

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