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Dr. Jordan B. Peterson Establishes A Path Out Of Depression In New Series

Depression. Anxiety. Two commonly cited words in today’s society. Yet these are not undistinguished terms to Dr. Jordan B. Peterson.

As a clinician, professor, and researcher, Peterson has studied depression and anxiety for more than 30 years over the course of his career. Now, he is sharing his knowledge of both methodology and practice in a new series on DailyWire+.

Pointedly titled “Depression & Anxiety,” the series aims to educate viewers on these internalizing disorders, specifically as to how they can help themselves and empathize with others. As an author, psychologist, and professor who has dedicated his life to teaching how to plot a course to meaning and identify one’s purpose, few people share Peterson’s combined background of research and clinical practice. But it is his intention of helping others holistically improve their lives that is most evident in these…

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