Hot Air

Democrats Worry About the Teamsters’ Non-Endorsement – HotAir

If you somehow missed the Teamsters news this week your best bet is to go back and read what Beege wrote here. The very short version is that after polling its membership, it became clear that a solid majority supported Trump over Harris. Ultimately, the group declined to endorse anyone for president which doesn’t make a lot of sense unless you consider that unions are almost universally left leaning. So the decision not to endorse Harris was a pretty big deal and really a win for Trump, who took it that way.

Today, Politico has a story up saying Democrats are privately pretty worried about this non-endorsement. It’s a possible sign that, despite what the polls show, Trump has a lot of blue collar support in the rust belt.

“Candidly, Trump has a solid, solid base of working-class people that have bought into his message,” said Jimmy Williams, president of the International Union…

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