Hot Air

NYC Emergency Response Times Keep Getting Worse – HotAir

The NY Post has published two stories this week about emergency response times in NY City. The time it takes for fire vehicles and ambulances to arrive at the scene of an accident has been increasing for the past couple years and the result is fewer people being rescued, especially in the case of medical emergencies. It turns out most people having a heart attack can’t wait 10 minutes for help.

Combined response times by FDNY ambulances and fire companies to “life-threatening medical emergencies” were up 20 seconds on average during the fiscal year ending June 30 –  or 3.5% — to 9 minutes and 50 seconds compared to the previous 12 months, according to the Fiscal 2023 Mayor’s Management Report, released Friday…

The FDNY also noted an uptick in life-threatening medical emergency calls, from 564,412 in fiscal 2022 to 605,140 last fiscal year…

“We’re on the brink of…

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