News Busters

Republican Abortion Laws Are the Modern-Day Slavery/Jim Crow!

Michele Goodwin MSNBC The Weekend 9-21-24 On abortion, you right-to-lifers might be playing checkers. But Michele Goodwin is playing four-dimensional chess!

A guest on Saturday’s edition of MSNBC’s The Weekend, Goodwin, a constitutional law professor at Georgetown, somehow managed to make a connection between post-Dobbs laws limiting abortions and slavery and Jim Crow laws, specifically including those restricting the ability of African-Americans to play checkers and chess.

Co-host Michael Steele—who surely professed pro-life views back when he was running for and serving as RNC Chairman—teed up Goodwin, saying that the driving force behind the new laws is a Republican desire to control women.

Goodwin took that a giant step further, claiming that “cruelty is the point behind all of this. I’ve been saying, this is the new Jane Crow.”

Noting that it was Mississippi that brought the Dobbs case,…

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