Red state

The MSM Will Beat You to Your Knees, and Keep You There, Permanently, If You Let It – RedState

Let’s talk about my friend, Cameron. Cameron isn’t his real name. I call him Cameron, after the character from “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.” You know, this guy. Cameron is a good, conservative Republican. However, he is quite convinced that Donald Trump is DOOMED, DOOMED. And the rest of the GOP? They are DOOMED as well. Why? Because the MSM constantly and relentlessly tells him this is so.  

All of us know Republicans like Cameron.

Cameron does not care for my optimism, however grounded in fact it is. As all 10 of my regular readers know, I believe that Donald Trump has the inside track to winning the 2024 election. I believe this, not because I am a constant Republican booster, or a believer that Trump is some sort of a perfect, godlike candidate. Instead, I know this because I understand politics, have both experience and education on the topic, know lots of (sometimes…

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