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Former ‘Top Chef’ Host Fawns Over Kamala, Says She’d Be a ‘Great President’ for Her… Cooking Skills – RedState

Former “Top Chef” host Padma Lakshmi made perhaps the most ridiculous argument yet in support of Kamala Harris becoming president of the United States, in a recent guest essay published in The New York Times. As Padma sees it, Kamala most displays her “success as a leader” through her cooking skills.

Lakshmi’s essay starts out naively foolish — and goes downhill from there:

I see what everyone else sees on Kamala Harris’s résumé: a history of public service that qualifies her for the presidency. But I would argue that the qualities she shows as a cook might say even more about her success as a leader.

Setting aside Lakshmi’s claim that Harris’s public service history qualifies her for the presidency, I have a problem connecting the dots between being a good cook — with no disrespect to good cooks — and the requisite skills and necessary traits to become the leader of the…

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