Hot Air

Drone King Leon Panetta Now Thinks the Israelis Are Terrorists – HotAir

It wasn’t long ago that when a Republican heard the name Leon Panetta, especially within the context of a conversation about him joining a presidential administration, there was enough respect for him that his nomination, whether to be Barack Obama’s CIA director in 2009, or the Defense Secretary a couple years later, passed on a voice vote. 

Very few people on the GOP side of the aisle agreed with Panetta’s domestic politics at all. And there were plenty of disagreements to be had with Panetta on foreign policy as well, but Panetta was seen as a seasoned hand, a serious thinker on geopolitics and national security, and above all, he was widely-regarded as a normal Democrat, not a flaming left-wing crazy. Well, 2024 being 2024 and all, Panetta has apparently now been absorbed by the Israel-hating mob on the far left. Panetta appeared on CBS News Sunday Morning with Lee Cowan, and…

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