News Busters

CNN Shares Shooter’s Bounty on Trump, MSNBC Refuses to ‘Encourage’ Violence

A peculiar juxtaposition occurred on Monday following the FBI releasing a letter written by the man behind the second assassination attempt of former President Trump. The letter contained a call for people try again since he failed, even offering up a $150,000 bounty to person who completed the job. But while CNN put that part of the letter up on the screen MSNBC refused to share that detail and said they didn’t want to “encourage” someone to be violent.

Late in the 12:00 p.m. hour, during CNN’s Inside Politics, senior reporter Katelyn Polantz ended her report on the latest developments in the case by not only mentioning the bounty but had them throw it up on screen:

A civilian witness who was given by Routh a box of materials. In that box, a letter from Routh that was opened after Routh was picked up by the cops. Writing: “This was an…

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