News Busters

CBS News Gleefully Pushes Climate Pork-Laden IRA

CBS News has found a way to stuff two types of propaganda into a single news story: Democrat propaganda and climate propaganda, as seen on the latest Eye on America item touting the grotesquely misnamed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

Watch as the incentive system plays out in real time, in this dialogue between correspondent David Schecter and a climate entrepreneur whose project is 90% funded by the government:

DAVID SCHECTER: This may look to you and me like a corrugated roof top on a gas station. But to the solar installer Clay Copeland, it looks like a profit.

Did you get into solar because of climate change?

CLAY COPELAND: I got into solar because it’s an excellent business model, right? The environment wins. The economy wins.

SCHECTER: Copeland’s is one of many green businesses flourishing in politically red south Georgia, where the country’s…

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