News Busters

NY Times Claims GOP Policies Endanger Women, Fuel ‘Team Misogyny’ Label

In Sunday’s New York Times, reporter Katie Glueck, who covers the Democratic Party for the paper, cynically hyped up a hypocritical new way for Democrats to smear Republicans: “Trump’s Opponents See New Ways to Cast the G.O.P. as ‘Team Misogyny.’”

It’s hard to imagine a more slanted Team Kamala lead sentence than the one Glueck came up with.

In a race between a Democrat who could be America’s first female president and a Republican who has been found liable for sexual abuse, the issue of gender was always going to be inescapable.

But this week, the subject surged to the forefront of the fall contest in new and vivid ways, as Democrats found fresh fuel for their argument that today’s Republican Party is disrespectful of women and their autonomy — sometimes with dangerous consequences.

On Monday and Wednesday, the deaths of two mothers…

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