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Nancy Pelosi Erupts Over Jake Tapper Question About Trump, Tells Whopper on Advising Campaigns – RedState

We haven’t heard a whole lot from former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) since her calculated plan to force President Joe Biden out of the presidential race bore fruit in late July with Biden ceding the nomination to his vice president, Kamala Harris.

But when we have, it’s been the usual spew of fruit cakery, as we saw during her late August appearance on Bill Maher’s program, where Pelosi had the nerve to invoke Ronald Reagan’s legacy while trying to defend California’s dangerous open borders priorities and policies. 

Then there was the “interview” she did with late-night talk show host Stephen Colbert, where she tried to straddle the fence on the Israel-Hamas war.

SEE ALSO: Pelosi’s Answer When Pressed on FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Raid Explains the DC Swamp in a Nutshell

On Tuesday, Pelosi sat down for a back-and-forth with CNN anchor Jake Tapper. But though Tapper is known for having…

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