News Busters

PBS Faces Fairness Criticism Over Union of Concerned Scientists Climate Coverage

Taxpayer-supported PBS again failed its own congressionally mandated test to “provide objectivity and balance” when covering issues. PBS News Weekend this Sunday featured a spokesman for a liberal scientific advocacy organization as its only guest to feed liberal fear-mongering about Project 2025.

The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) is an activist group that does not “stick to science,” as its political criticism of Georgia’s decision to count ballots by hand demonstrates. The organization, founded in 1969, has a history of pushing left-wing causes, even those that are not connected to scientific studies such as the deployment of a missile defense shield (it even issued a book opposing Reagan’s “Star Wars” program) and was criticized for its hysteria over genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the food supply.

But none of this context…

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