Daily signal

Why the 1960s Are to Blame for America’s Cultural Crisis

On today’s episode of “The Daily Signal Podcast,” Tim Goeglein discusses his new book, “Stumbling Toward Utopia: How the 1960s Turned Into a National Nightmare and How We Can Revive the American Dream.”

Goeglein’s book explores the dramatic cultural, social, and political shifts of the 1960s and how those changes continue to impact American society today.

“The reason we’re in the spiritual crisis that we are in across all of our institutions is because of the moral and social revolution of the 1960s,” he tells The Daily Signal.

Goeglien, who serves as vice president of external and government relations for Focus on the Family, explores what he calls the many “stumbles” of the 1960s—from morality and religion to education and entertainment.

“Progressives ultimately believe in the perfectibility of man and that it can all be socially…

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