News Busters

Americans Actually Trust the Media Far Less than They Say They Do, Study Shows

Americans trust the media even less than they’re willing to admit, a comparison of what they say publicly and what they think privately reveals.

Polls have long shown low trust of the media – especially when it comes to election news – with more recent surveys showing that their trust is continuing to continuing to decline.

However, results of a new national study of American adults, conducted by the think tank Populace with the help of Gradient and YouGov, suggests that distrust of the media is actually much greater than traditional polls have found:

“In general, Americans are overstating their trust in the media. Whereas 24% of people publicly agree they trust the media to tell the truth, in private only 7% truly believe it.”


“Results from every generation reveal a double-digit gap between what people are willing to say publicly and…

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