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Robert Reich’s Economic Nostrums, Still Wrong 28 Years Later

Former Labor Secretary Robert B. Reich now makes videos, like I do.

In fact, his channel, Inequality Media, is very much like Stossel TV. He also reaches people via social media platforms, gets millions of views and covers economic topics.

Reich, who served in President Bill Clinton’s administration, does almost exactly what I do, except … Reich is repeatedly wrong.

It’s understandable. Despite being frequently introduced as “economist Robert Reich,” Reich has no economics degree. He’s another liberal lawyer. His videos reflect that.

“Inequality Media” is a catchy name. Americans dislike inequality.

But my new video points out that inequality isn’t a conspiracy. It’s simply what happens when people are free.

Taylor Swift’s a billionaire. Should government force you to listen to me sing to make life more fair?

Reich wants to “ban…

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