Hot Air

Sweet Home, Illegal-Free Alabama – HotAir

Try that in a small town” came home to two different Alabama towns in recent weeks, and the results were very, very different.

Now, I won’t cast aspersions alluding to different socio-economic status – I’ll let you all come to your own decisions.

Sylacauga, AL is a little burg outside of Talladega with a smidge over 22,000 people with a median household income of $29. 533.

It has kind of a unique claim to fame for being the first place an object from space was documented for ever smacking someone on the gourd.

…Sylacauga is the site of the first documented case of an object from outer space hitting a person. On November 30, 1954, a 4 kg (9 lb) piece of what became known as the Hodges Fragment from the Sylacauga Meteorite crashed through the roof of an Oak Grove house, bounced off a radio, and badly bruised Ann Hodges, who was taking an afternoon nap.[4]

They’ve also made the news…

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