Hot Air

Vance Was the Perfect Choice for V.P. – HotAir

J.D. Vance gets a lot of grief, with people complaining that he has been a drag on the ticket and has offended too many constituent groups, especially women. 

I beg to differ. 

As we get closer to next Tuesday’s Vice Presidential debate, it’s time for Vance critics to step back for a minute and rethink their Vance skepticism. 

There is one and only one reason why Vance is perceived as a bad choice: the media dirtied him up. You can point to his “crazy cat ladies” quip from a podcast made years ago or some of the other “gaffes” people claim he made, but the fact is that no matter who Trump chose, the very same tactics would be used to destroy them too. 

Republicans wet the bed every time on every issue, worrying about what the media will say about some person, position, or image. It’s a fools’ game to worry though. No matter WHAT Republican says WHAT thing, the media and the…

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