Red state

Gallup Drops Stunner of a Poll for Trump That Could be the Game Changer – RedState

We’ve been seeing some big polls over the past few days that have had good news for former President Donald Trump: the NYT/Siena, Emerson, and even the Quinnipiac poll (which tends to lean left). NYT and Emerson were looking at swing states with Trump ahead. Quinnipiac looked at the national vote and had Trump up by 1 point with likely voters.

There was also the Gallup poll that found Trump was more popular than Kamala Harris, the Teamster polls, and the other unions’ members also showing support for Trump. 

I think the more people see of Harris and the more she talks, the more people realize that they don’t want to sign aboard that train — that she’s basically a vacuous pantsuit. She talks about being a “middle-class kid” and “dreams and aspirations.” But what she doesn’t talk about is specifics that make any sense. I think more and more people are starting to realize that about…

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