Red state

WH Gets Grilled, People Raise Questions After Eric Adams Claims He Was ‘Targeted’ – RedState

We’ve reported on the federal charges now pending against Democratic NYC Mayor Eric Adams including Conspiracy to Defraud the United States (Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud, Bribery, and to Receive Campaign Contributions by Foreign Nationals), wire fraud, solicitation of a contribution by a foreign national, and bribery. 

In remarks Wednesday night, Adams said he believed he was being targeted for speaking up about the Biden administration doing nothing on the illegal alien crisis. 

“That fight has continued as your mayor. Despite our pleas, when the federal government did nothing as its broken immigration policies overloaded our shelter system with no relief, I put the people of New York before party and politics.” [….]

“I always knew that if I stood my ground for New Yorkers that I would be a target — and a target I became.”

Adams said he would not be resigning, and he…

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