Hot Air

Up Schlitz Creek Without the TP – HotAir

Oh, the GAIA-loving nanny-staters behind the hallowed halls of the headquarters of the European Union Green grifting brain trust.

What have they wrought now? 

Why, it’s almost too delicious to contemplate.

Back in December of 2022, I told you all about a law the EU had enacted, which would require imports to meet the same deforestation standards that EU products originating IN the EU were required to meet. With all sorts of traceability requirements for proof, etc.

The irony was that the EU passed this law as the continent had forests being decimated to burn for wood stoves, thanks to the Russian-Ukraine War and ensuing energy crisis price spikes.

Well, hello there, Irony. How are ya?

The European Union is very proud of its environmental record, as we all know. In fact, they’re the masters of cutting off their green noses to spite their cold faces. In a rich display of environmental…

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