News Busters

Reporters Concede Sloth on Covering Biden’s Age: Need to Do ‘Soul-Searching’

Fox News media reporter Joseph Wulfsohn found a confessional tone among liberal national reporters at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin as they assessed how they under-covered President Biden’s age and cognitive decline. [Photo by Wulfsohn]

The September 7 panel included Peter Baker of The New York Times, Laura Barron-Lopez of PBS, Jonathan Lemire of Politico and MSNBC, and David Smith of The Guardian (U.K.).

Baker called Biden’s age a “hard issue” to cover, but suggested journalists broadly need to do some “soul-searching” on how they handled it after the election. He claimed the Times had presented this issue, but when they did, “The editors, our writers got massive complaints from the White House about it. The campaign took after the reporters who did focus on this. And yet it was our responsibility to do so.”

Team Biden’s “massive…

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