News Busters

MRC’s Bozell Sounds Alarm on Google’s Latest Election Interference

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell sounded the alarm over Google’s latest censorship scheme and accused the tech giant of “deliberately” manipulating its algorithms to sway the election.

Bozell joined Thursday’s episode of Fox Business’s Varney & Co. to detail a new MRC study exposing Google for actively boosting leftist media outlets—most of which are notoriously hostile towards the right—in search results related to the 2024 election. The findings also show Google elevated the campaign website of Vice President Kamala Harris and buried former President Donald Trump’s.

“Google is deliberately playing with the algorithms to deliberately change the electoral count. If that isn’t tampering with democracy, I just don’t know what is,” Bozell told host Stuart Varney, summarizing the MRC findings.

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