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Appeals Court Suuuuure Sounds Skeptical About Leticia James’ Lawfare on Trump – HotAir

Could Leticia James’ attempt to bankrupt her political bete noire come to a crashing end? Donald Trump tried before and during the massive fraud lawsuit to get an intervention from the New York state appellate court to no avail. Trump had to put up a massive bond to force the judgment into review, in fact.

But now that the appellate court has finally reviewed the case, the judges sound very skeptical about James’ case as well as the absurd award in a case that involved literally no losses to anyone connected to Trump’s businesses:

A New York appeals court expressed skepticism on Thursday about a civil judgment of more than $450 million that a trial judge had ordered former President Donald J. Trump to pay after finding that he had fraudulently inflated his wealth.

At a hearing in Manhattan, members of a five-judge panel questioned both the size of the judgment and the validity of the…

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