Hot Air

Nellie Bowles Hits Nail on Head – HotAir

I am an unabashed fan of The Free Press, Bari Weiss, and especially Nellie Bowles. 

I have written before about how charming I find her and revealed my crush on the moderate lesbians who run one of the last news outlets worth reading. (The Federalist, The Washington Free Beacon, Washington Examiner, and a few others fit the bill as well. Don’t be offended if I left you out, because chances are I subscribe if you belong on the list). 

Nellie is especially worth reading because she makes you smile, even if you occasionally wince as she pokes fun at your favorites. 

As the author of The Free Press’ TGIF column, she pops a lot of balloons filled with Hot Air (ahem). This weeks’ edition gets right to the point about how deeply in the tank the corporate media is for Kamala Harris and the Democrats. 

→ Kamala’s big hostile interview: It definitely looked like Kamala Harris was…

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