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Canadian Media Edits Conservative Leader to Make Him Say Something He Didn’t Say – HotAir

For the past couple weeks I’ve been writing about some of the political drama taking place in Canada at the moment. Earlier this week, Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre called for a no-confidence vote against Liberal Party PM Justin Trudeau. As expected, Trudeau survived that effort thanks to two smaller left-wing parties that backed him up.

In the midst of all of this, one Canadian news outlet, the CTV Television Network or just CTV, demonstrated how far some in the media are willing to go to attack conservatives and defend Trudeau. Specifically, CTV edited a statement made by Poilievre, making him say something he never said and putting it in a context he never intended. 

All you need to really know to follow this is that Trudeau’s Liberal Party recently created a new dental plan for children and seniors and Trudeau has repeatedly claimed that Poilievre and the…

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