Red state

Kamala Harris Hardest Hit After ICE Releases Stunning Data on Convicted Illegals Still in the US – RedState

If Kamala Harris thinks a photo-op visit to the southern border is going to help hide her dismal record as Joe Biden’s border czar, she’s got another thing coming.

As RedState previously reported, the Democrat presidential nominee is visiting Arizona Friday alongside Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) in an effort to try and prove that she’s a proponent of strong border security, despite the fact this is only her second trip to the border since becoming vice president nearly four years ago.

“Harris will ‘argue that American sovereignty requires setting rules at the border and enforcing them,'” Politico wrote earlier, while also noting that Harris was going to try to walk the line between tougher enforcement and “safe, orderly, and humane” illegal immigration policies.

SEE ALSO: Even CNN Shreds Kamala’s Upcoming Border Visit—’It Isn’t Consistent’ With Who She Is

But all the handshakes, back…

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