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Jack Smith Files Motion Aimed at Kneecapping Trump’s Immunity Claims Just Ahead of Election – RedState

Special Counsel Jack Smith may not get to put former President Donald Trump on trial formally ahead of the presidential election, but he’s doing the next best thing, compliments of the brief filed by the Department of Justice in the D.C. election interference case on Thursday.

When the Supreme Court issued its ruling on presidential immunity in early July, it was viewed largely as a victory for Trump, albeit not a complete one. While many on the left (including one or two on the court itself) bemoaned the ruling as essentially giving the president (specifically, that president) free rein to commit atrocities without repercussion, the ruling itself actually did no such thing.

BREAKING: Supreme Court Rules on Presidential Immunity

In a 6-3 ruling, the Court held that a former president has absolute immunity for his core constitutional powers. Further, former presidents are also…

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