Red state

Jesse Watters Demolishes Kamala’s Border Remarks – RedState

I don’t know who is wielding the power behind the Kamala Harris campaign but they aren’t very good at it. 

They finally decided that she needed to get to the border and at least pretend like she cared because her numbers on the issue are so bad. It’s far too late at this point, but if she’s going to go there, she should be fully focusing on border security — that’s what Americans want to hear. 

Instead, they also had her talking about “pathways to citizenship” and how illegal aliens “deserve” a system that works even though Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have created a system that doesn’t work for Americans. 

Not exactly an intelligent political move and it’s already being ripped to shreds. 


Kamala’s Border Speech Goes Off the Rails, Reveals the Real Goal

WATCH: Harris Barely Bothers to Speak During Her 1st Visit to the Border in AZ; Arizonan Calls Her ‘Liar’

Fox’s Jesse…

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