Red state

Returning to the Senate Races – RedState

My colleague Nick Arama has already addressed the stunning Gallup poll that, if true, shows a budding Republican wave building. If it is true, Donald Trump could win the national popular vote by a solid margin, by 2 to 4 points, which would result in an electoral landslide.

Which means that we might be back to where we were immediately after the Trump-Biden debate, when Democrats were in grave jeopardy, up and down the ballot. Especially in the U.S. Senate.

At this point, it is extremely likely that the Republicans will pick up control over the Senate. They currently have 49 seats. Only three Republican seats are even mentioned as competitive, and all are a stretch for the Democrats. This is despite the recent Democrat decision to spend money in Florida and Texas for two of those seats (basically a “Hail Mary” play). Meanwhile, of the 51 Democrat seats, one, in West Virginia, is…

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