In this world, there have been “giveaways” – like Oprah with her cars for you and you and YOU!!
And then there have been “giveaways,” or “givebacks’ like, says, the Panama Canal.
Or Bagram.
Sometimes they work out okay, sometimes they don’t.
The reason and motivation behind the return is one thing – is it purely a political move? A feel-good gesture? Or could one possibly be threatening your strategic interests or compromising some aspect of safety and security to do so?
Or is it just the right time to do what is the right thing?
Lots of questions, lots of hard answers. All of which, including every possible scenario for what happens afterward, should be carefully game-planned and deeply pondered before even contemplating anything so momentous.
We are in a perilous world now that is the direct result of weak and vacillating leadership in so many high places making momentous…