Hot Air

Censorship Is THE Biggest Issue in This Election – HotAir

There is a lot at stake in this election cycle, as you all know. But in my mind, the make-or-break issue is protecting the First Amendment and, by extension, the Constitution and our freedoms. 

Yes, the border matters immensely. Yes, the US is embroiled in wars abroad that should never have broken out. 

But without freedom of speech and the ability to break the near monopoly on information distribution, our country will be gone. We won’t even have a fighting chance. 

Before you say, “the Supreme Court will save us,” recall that the Democrats have been agitating to expand the Court and pack it with leftists. Countless articles have been written to delegitimize the Court, and Democrats in Congress and in the Biden administration have been laying the groundwork to nullify the independence of the Court. We can’t predict whether they will succeed, but by the time the Supreme Court…

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