Red state

CNN Once Again Exposed As Hacks After ‘Fact-Check’ on Afghani Arrested for Election Day Terror Plot – RedState

By now, most are aware that the alleged fact-checkers in the media are used as a partisan arm of the industry. Despite the claim to their position, facts are malleable, and accurate statements become interpreted based on who is involved – that is to say, which party they are connected to in the analysis.

While the tactics are now known (and continue to deserve exposure), what makes these efforts so impotent is these fact-checks are positioned as a definitive statement on a particular item. It has gone through the verification and a final ruling has been applied. The attempt then is to say that any time the issue is revisited, the outlet proclaims “our fact-checker has already determined…”, and then nothing further can be addressed.

Until these dupes become exposed by the truth.

One of the most recent examples is pernicious, as it involves a direct threat to this nation and…

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