News Busters

Daily Show Claims Pro-Lifers Are ‘The Biggest A**hole From High School’

Why are pro-lifers, pro-life? Could it be that they genuinely believe that the unborn child is a human being with rights? According to the Wednesday edition of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show with host of the week Jordan Klepper and abortion activist and author Jessica Valenti, that is not even a possibility. It must either be because they want power within the GOP or they enjoy controlling women because being a pro-lifer means being “the biggest asshole from high school.”

Klepper asked the book touring Valenti, “It’s curious, in your book, you talk about the battle over language, which we’ve seen go way back, whether it is pro-choice, pro-life, but you get into the nitty-gritty about, like, Nikki Haley talking about consensus talking about what late-term abortions mean. Like, for folks who aren’t paying attention, why is that so important, and how do…

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