Hot Air

Ron DeSantis Gloriously Humiliates Reporter on Globull Warming Idiocy – HotAir

Look, there is a reason why I was and remain a big fan of Ron DeSantis and hope to see him in the White House. 

First and foremost, he is extraordinarily competent, understands the difference between good policy and bad, and shares my values. 

But I also glory in his remarkable, even glorious, takedowns of leftists and especially leftist journalists. He takes their incoming fire, which always misses, and shoots a howitzer of truth and logic at them in return. 

Leftists have been pushing the ridiculous claim that the current hurricane season proves that global warming/climate change is happening and endangering the world. It is unscientific, ahistorical, and pure propaganda. I say the latter not because every idiot…

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