On Thursday’s installment of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, host Jordan Klepper claimed to uncover the reason why Kamala Harris is trailing by 12 points among male voters: sexism. Klepper’s unoriginal “insight” led him to claim that “right-wingers” believe that if you vote for a woman, “your penis evaporates.”
After a clip of NBC’s Steve Kornacki delivering the news, Klepper sarcastically reacted, “Wow, 12 points! Really? That’s a lot. I mean, surely, men would be open-minded about having a female president.”
Klepper then pretended to read a book called The Entire History of Men and came to the conclusion, “So, perhaps this shouldn’t come as a huge surprise. There’s a reason why America has the same number of female presidents as the Taliban. There’s a certain type of person who thinks that voting for a woman makes you…