Hot Air

Hola, Amigos De Kamalista to Her Mui Authentico Hispanica Town Hall! – HotAir

I can almost hear the mariachis singing.


Can’t you? (There’s an earworm for you – you’ll thank me later, I’m sure.)

As the Vice President seems to be having some outreach issues during the campaign – trouble connecting with black men, white men, blue-collar workers, Hispanics, rational Americans in general – there have been little teams of firefighters assigned to running interference all over the country for her. Their mission is trying to “woo” some of those disaffected and unimpressed groups back to the fold.

Prizzy Joe Cool of the Perfectly Creased Pants was working his magic on his fellow black men yesterday—well, trying to. First, he appealed to them in mournful tones, reminding them of all the life experiences he, they, and Kamala Harris have in common. In Obama’s own inimitable, insufferable fashion, he also sort of smugly wondered why these…

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