Hot Air

Which Fresh Hell Is This? – HotAir

Even on vacation, some topics just demand attention. And the weirdest video by a sitting governor ever definitely qualifies. 

Yesterday, I caught up with this strange promotion by Gretchen Whitmer, in which she feeds a Dorito to an apparent acolyte, to send a message to voters. David covered this yesterday, but it’s just too strange to let slide without weighing in myself. As best as I can suss out, the intention behind this video was to call attention to the CHIPS Act by, er … role-playing subservience/idolatry to a chief executive. 

And that’s the cleanest interpretation I can imagine about this scene:

Liz Plank, who played the role of adoring acolyte in this bizarre play, attempted to explain it:

“If he won’t, Gretchen Whitmer will,” the influencer wrote with the video on Instagram. “Chips aren’t just delicious, the CHIPS Act is a game-changer for U.S. tech and…

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