Hot Air

Kubrick Daughter Endorses Full MAGA Jacket – HotAir

Old and Busted: Full Metal Jacket. New hotness: Full MAGA Jacket? 

By this time, most readers probably have seen this moment from a recent Donald Trump rally. As part of his argument for strengthening the military, Trump blasted Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for transforming them into a transgender social-welfare organization — an argument that goes back decades in one form or another. The late, great Rush Limbaugh argued for most of his career against using the military for social-policy experimentation, correctly declaring that militaries have two purposes — to “kill people and break things,” and should only be used for such missions when necessary.

Now that the military has gone from social-media experimentation to Full Transgender Wokery, Trump has made a compelling video argument for a reversion to Limbaugh’s vision for the Pentagon. In doing so, Trump’s team uses cuts from…

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