Hot Air

Did The New York Times Publish a Hoax? – HotAir

I am not a ballistics expert and don’t play one on TV. I didn’t even sleep in a Holiday Inn Express, so what I write here is based entirely on the analysis of others. 

But I am pretty sure they are right, given the balance of the evidence and the provenance of the opinion piece published by the New York Times. 

At issue is a piece published by the Times in which 65 medical personnel who have worked in Gaza during the Israeli operation accuse soldiers of deliberately targeting Gazan children, shooting them in the head. There are lurid stories and X-ray images that purport to show bullets lodged in the head and neck of children. 

Those X-rays appear to be–according to doctors and ballistics experts–totally fake. And even I, a layman, can call bulls**t…

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