Hot Air

Cruz Finally Starts Swinging at Allred – HotAir

For the past few months, watching television in central Texas has felt like tuning into the Colin Allred Channel. Practically every sponsored show on cable and broadcast channels have drenched viewers with ads for the Democrat challenger to Ted Cruz in the Senate race. If I had a dime for every time I’ve heard Allred talk about his Baylor football days or Cruz’ Cancun cock-up, I’d have enough dimes to get Slim Pickens’ entire posse through the Gov. William J. LePetomaine Thruway.

Clearly, Democrats have showered a s***load of dimes on Allred, and it appeared to be working. Allred has not yet led in any poll of Texas voters, but he’e getting close in a state that should be a safe bet for the GOP. The current RCP aggregate average is Cruz +4.0, and it has been nearly two months since Cruz had a lead of more than five…

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