Hot Air

When Big Tech Needs Power, They Turn to Nuclear and Not ‘Renewables’ – HotAir

The transnational elite keeps trying to force proles to use unreliable wind and solar power. 

But as their own power needs escalate, the “net zero” Big Tech companies that brag about their use of renewable power are turning to reliable nuclear power to ensure their data centers stay up. 

Data centers draw an enormous amount of power already (who knew?), but now that AI systems are being rolled out the power needs are growing by a factor of 10. 

More than that, really, since that only accounts for the increase in power use for each query; as AI gets rolled out into more and more products the power needs will keep growing exponentially. 

For years the power draw of data centers has been an issue, driving Big Tech companies to switch away from Intel x86 chips to ones that sip less power, such as ARM chips. Facebook, Google, and Amazon have been designing their own chips for years to…

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