In keeping with an earlier promise, former President Donald Trump visited a Pennsylvania McDonald’s for a 15-minute shift at the fry station and drive-through. The CBS Evening News came unglued.
Watch as correspondent Caitlyn Huey-Burns dismisses the Trump workday as little more than a “political stunt”:
CAITLIN HUEY-BURNS: Former President Donald Trump put on an apron today to pull off a political stunt in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Working the fryer to try and claim, without any evidence, that Vice President Kamala Harris didn’t work at a McDonald’s while in college as she said she did.
DONALD TRUMP: She never worked at McDonald’s.
One imagines the hushed, reverential tones that Huey-Burns might deploy were Kamala Harris to take a shift working the Baby ChopVac 9000 at the local Planned Parenthood. She might even call it an example of Harris…