Hot Air

How Dare Trump Notice We Hid Kamala’s Word Salad? – HotAir

News organizations make mistakes, as we all do. When that happens, the best way to restore credibility is to admit error, apologize for it, and endeavor not to repeat the actions that might have damaged the brand. Bret Baier did this in miniature by acknowledging that Kamala Harris was correct in her criticism that Fox News played the wrong clip of Donald Trump during their interview and publicly apologizing to Harris for the mistake.

CBS News chose … another path.

Two weeks ago, 60 Minutes aired a recorded and edited interview with Kamala Harris, which they had heavily promoted over the preceding weekend. In Twitter/X ads, CBS played a clip of Harris answering a question from Bill Whitaker on Israel that was all but incomprehensible. But when the interview aired, 60 Minutes replaced that answer with another one from Harris, without any explanation for the switch:

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