Red state

Shining a Spotlight on the Victims of Kamala Harris’ California – RedState

We’re living in an interesting time in which people don’t believe anything unless they see it with their own eyes – and even then, they might not believe it.

For years, rational Californians (yes, there are a few of us here) have been pointing out what the obvious results of the Democrat supermajority’s policies would be, and we’ve been proven correct. One of those Democrats is former Attorney General and current Democrat presidential nominee, Kamala Harris.

The media have talked about things Kamala did as San Francisco District Attorney, which were horrible. But let’s not forget that she helped push Prop 47, the “Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act,” widely viewed as the catalyst to today’s deplorable conditions in California, to victory in 2014. (That’s the bill setting the $950 floor for felony theft, among other stupid provisions.)

And, she helped push Prop 57 as well, which…

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