Red state

An Important Legal Win for Pennsylvania Voters, and Hopefully a Notice for the Rest of the Country – RedState

It’s a new American tradition that ahead of nearly every election, Democrats and their allies in the corporate media accuse Republicans of voter suppression. These allegations are often untethered from reality, but they continue with regularity, nonetheless. For example, before the 2022 midterm election, President Joe Biden accused Georgia Republicans of bringing back “Jim Crow 2.0”-style racist voter suppression that earned him a whopping four Pinocchios from the Left-leaning Washington Post.

Despite the Washington Post fact-check, similar accusations abound whenever Republican state officials attempt to enact voter integrity laws to clean up voter rolls, tighten balloting procedures, and otherwise protect the American people’s confidence in our electoral system.

But Democrats and the Left are silent in light of actual voter suppression that happened in the 2022 election, when…

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