News Busters

CNN’s Whitfield Cheers UC-San Diego’s New Climate Course Requirement

On Saturday afternoon, CNN weekend host Fredricka Whitfield devoted a segment to promoting University of California-San Diego implementing a new requirement that their students take at least one course on the climate, presumably as a way of promoting the liberal theory that humans are to blame for recent natural disasters.

Even though extreme weather from this year like hurricanes and flooding are not unprecedented, Whitfield hinted at them as being a product of climate change as she began: “All right, fast-moving wildfires; historic and devastating flooding; supercharged hurricanes wiping communities totally off the map. Climate change is not a future threat, but a daily reality.”

She then added: “And one California college is taking a bold move in an effort to combat it. US — I mean UC, rather — San Diego has become the first major public college in the…

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