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Survivor Of Mao’s China Warns Americans Of Gender Insanity Under Dictator, Compares To U.S.

Survivor of Mao’s China Xi Van Fleet talked about the gender insanity under the communist dictator, comparing it to what she’s seen in the United States with the transgender push.

Speaking on “The Megyn Kelly Show” podcast, the Chinese woman and author of “Mao’s America” talked about growing up in Communist China during the Cultural Revolution, and issued a stark warning to Americans about the similar rhetoric she hears from Vice President Kamala Harris and the Left to that of Mao Zedong’s.

“I know dear to your heart is the transgender issue. And people ask me, ‘Did Mao do transgender in China?’” Van Fleet told Megyn Kelly. “No, he didn’t. He did not have to because he had enough in tactics to achieve his goal, but he did attack gender role.”

“And so growing up in China, the girls were all taught that femininity is toxic and it is weak,” she added….

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