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A California Democrat is being sworn into Congress on a Superman comic book

One of the midterm congressional races that didn’t attract much media attention took place in California’s 42nd district, representing the area around Long Beach. The reason for the lack of attention was that the Democrat in the race, Robert Garcia, was expected to win in a blowout. (Which he did, by a 68/31 margin.) Garcia and his family emigrated to the United States from Peru when he was five years old and he previously served as the Mayor of Long Beach. Assuming the Republicans ever get their act together and elect a Speaker, Garcia will be sworn in for his first term in Congress, but there will be something unusual about the ceremony. He plans to be sworn in while placing his hand on four documents, none of which are a bible. But one of them will be a comic book estimated to be valued at more than five million dollars. (The Blaze)Read More 

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